
International Construction Project Management Association

ICPMA Conference 2025, 2nd and 3rd June


Cities of tomorrow

Construction Project Managers as key enablers for urban regeneration

Between tapas and people, knowledge and art, we will be in Madrid, during these two days, focusing on Construction Project Management presentations, talks and discussions. Sharing best practices and experiences; discussing methodologies and strategies; our enthusiastic speakers will be there to go deep on these topics! This year we will focus on the topic of Cities, and the role of construction project manager on its construction. 

The dynamics of our cities and towns are changing rapidly. New technologies are driving ways of living and working, bringing about opportunities for residential, commercial, retail and leisure like never before. The role of project managers to act as a catalyst to inspire visionary and sustainable growth is vast. This conference will call on examples from around the world to create discussion in a lively and interactive forum. Come and be part of it!

ICPMA Conference 2024 in New York City

Our Annual Conference on "Global Construction and Management Perspectives" was held on June 23-25, in New York.

It was a great event to be updated on the latest trends and practices!

More information here

ICPMA 2025 Awards

ICPMA is a unique global organization that disseminates best practices in construction and project management. A dynamic network of construction professionals sharing knowledge and offering business opportunities internationally.

We are looking beyond project design, running an awards scheme for the project management element of a construction project (infrastructure and building projects) with particular focus on technical innovations and collaboration and communication techniques, excellent teamwork and global partnerships, new sustainable approaches, overall project achievements.

Dont lose this opportunity! Just see here how to apply.

Did you miss our webinar about Construction Project Managers as Catalysts?

🎥 We share here the complete video.

ICPMA Presidents Final.mp4

A celebration video message of our Past Presidents of ICPMA

Happy 20th Anniversairy

Email us on office@icpma.net

To contact our YICPMA chapter email us on youngmembers@icpma.net

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Last website update: May 2024